Vicky Colvin (Rice University, US)
Correlating Structure with Toxicity for Engineered Nanoparticles: Towards Safety by Design
Monday 7th of September 2009
09:10 - 09:40 hours
Gregory Lowry (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
The critical role of adsorbed organic macromolecules on nanoparticle reactivity, toxicity, and nano‐bio interactions
Monday 7th of September 2009
14:10 - 14:40 hours
Jérôme Rose (CEREGE, FR)
Environmental impact of nanotechnology: from nanoparticles to nanomaterials. Which differences?
Tuesday 8th of September 2009
09:10 - 09:40 hours
Peter Kearns (OECD, FR)
International Co‐operation on the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials: the Role of the OECD
Tuesday 8th of September 2009
14:10 - 14:40 hours
Pedro Alvarez (Rice University, US)
Nanomaterials with Antimicrobial Properties: Mechanisms, Implications and Applications
Wednesday 9th of September 2009
09:10 - 09:40 hours